Company Profile

Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) is a young company with headquarters in Zurich and «co-working spaces» in Lausanne. In December 2020, SLSP launched a service platform for academic libraries in Switzerland, covering all regions and languages. You can be part of this pioneering company from the...

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Translated from German

21 February 2023


unserious interview

This works well in the company

3) Better management of the entire application process: from the selection of applicants to their hiring or rejections: I was born and raised in German speaking Switzerland. Studied political science and am currently studying law. As a result, I have a native level command of the German language. H...

This could be improved

1) Specific job description in the advertisement concerning the job and the company for which you are hired: I applied as a junior license manager for SLSP AG: the first interview I had was with an external HR company. I was told that I would not be hired for SLSP AG, but a smaller subsidiary (comp...

Translated from German

23 March 2023

Executive / Manager

Dear:r Rater:r Thank you very much for your detailed feedback. We regret that you perceived the application process as described. We would be happy to invite you to contact us personally to discuss the feedback in more detail. Kind regards , SLSP



Kasernenstrasse 77 A/B
8004 Zürich