2 years agoRestaurantfachfrau/mannPlace of work:VättisWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employmentSankt Martin Calfeisental AG
2 years agoCommis Service (Springer & Träger)Place of work:VättisWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employmentSankt Martin Calfeisental AG
2 years agoKüchenhilfe- und Office Küche (Spüler)Place of work:VättisWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employmentSankt Martin Calfeisental AG
2 years agoBuffetmitarbeiter/inPlace of work:VättisWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employmentSankt Martin Calfeisental AG
2 years agoChef de Partie (kalte Küche)Place of work:VättisWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employmentSankt Martin Calfeisental AG