Popular professions in Valais

Commercial Manager

407 salary entries

CHF 60 000

Administrative Assistant

288 salary entries

CHF 64 935

Account Manager

261 salary entries

CHF 50 700


197 salary entries

CHF 48 100


145 salary entries

CHF 130 000

Accounting Clerk

134 salary entries

CHF 76 137


121 salary entries

CHF 55 000

Chef Cook

119 salary entries

CHF 63 500


118 salary entries

CHF 65 000


111 salary entries

CHF 60 558

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What is the average wage in the Canton of Valais?

The median annual wage in the Canton of Valais is CHF 68 930. This value has been calculated by calculating the 10 294 wages that users have indicated on the free salary check of jobs.ch. This means that Valais is not one of the best-paying cantons in Switzerland, but the salaries are considerably higher than in neighbouring Italy or France. Furthermore, the canton is one of the sunniest and warmest regions in Switzerland. Important cities for job hunting in Valais are Sion, Sion, Martigny or Brig.

In which sectors does one earn best in Valais?

The payment varies according to the industry. The best wages can usually be expected in the Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals sector, because here the median annual gross salary is highest. The second-highest median annual gross salary in Valais is paid in the Utilities sector, the third place goes to the Banking / Financial institutions sector. A special feature of the canton of Valais is that part of the population speaks German as a mother tongue and another part speaks French. Therefore, knowledge of both German and French can be of great advantage for a job.