Health data scientist / Biostatistician 80-100%

Etat du canton de Fribourg

  • Publication date:

    03 June 2024
  • Workload:

    80 – 100%
  • Contract type:

    Unlimited employment
  • Place of work:


Health data scientist / Biostatistician 80-100%

Health data scientist / Biostatistician



Ort / Bezirk: 

Fribourg, CH, Saane, CH



Datum des Stellenantritts: 

01.09.2024 oder nach Vereinbarung


Befristeter Vertrag


Unifr-7642 Master in Medizin

Anstellungsbehörde / Dienststelle / Anstalt

Die Universität Freiburg ist Bildungsstätte, Forschungsplatz, Arbeitgeberin und Event-Veranstalterin in einem. Ihre Innovationskraft macht sie zu einem wichtigen Motor für das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leben der Region. Als Anziehungspunkt für Studierende und Forschende aus der gesamten Schweiz und aus allen Teilen der Welt prägt die Hochschule seit ihrer Gründung 1889 das Leben der zweisprachigen Stadt Freiburg.

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The Departements of Medicine and Specialties (Hospital of Fribourg) and the Institute of Family Medicine (University of Fribourg) are looking for a health data scientist/biostatistician to lead the statistical expertise across both groups.

We offer an opportunity for our lead statistician to engage in diverse interdisciplinary research projects in a budding environment. We provide opportunities to explore avenues for career advancement, with the potential to evolve into a more senior leadership role based on performance and interests.

Questions regarding this position can be sent to Dr Clara Podmore (E-Mail schreiben) or Prof. Julien Vaucher (E-Mail schreiben).

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Statistical Analysis: Conduct comprehensive statistical analyses of clinical trial data, observational studies, and other research projects using advanced statistical techniques

  • Study Design and Protocol Development: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design robust study protocols, including sample size calculation, randomization schemes, and statistical analysis plans

  • Data Management: Oversee data collection, validation, and cleaning processes to ensure data integrity and quality control standards are maintained throughout the study lifecycle

  • Results Interpretation: Interpret statistical findings, summarize key insights, and communicate results effectively to collaborators

  • Statistical Consulting: Provide valuable statistical guidance and training to scientists within the research groups

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and academic standards, including Good Clinical Practice (GCP) principles

  • Continuous Improvement: Stay abreast of emerging trends, methodologies, and technologies in biostatistics and contribute to process improvement initiatives within the organization

Gewünschtes Profil

  • Masters or PhD degree in a field relevant to Datascience, Biostatistics or equivalent

  • Experience in conducting research projects

  • Effective Communication: Demonstrate strong communication skills to facilitate collaboration, understand scientists needs and convey complex statistical concepts effectively

  • Independence and Resourcefulness: Exhibit the ability to work in an organised and independent manner, alongside a proactive approach to problem-solving

  • Language: Proficiency in French and English are essential, German is a plus

Angaben der Kontaktpersonen

Dr Clara Podmore
E-Mail schreiben

Prof. Julien Vaucher
E-Mail schreiben

Datum der Stellenausschreibung: 

