
LTS-Limousine Transport Service, Pietro Trovato

  • Publication date:

    08 December 2015
  • Workload:

  • Contract type:

    Unlimited employment
  • Place of work:



We are now hiring for our innovative and motivated team in Switzerland, a:


Chauffeur with professional driving license

(BPT for Switzerland)



We are working in an international network of transportation services with our

headquarters in Zürich (Switzerland). Our basis lies within the comfortable and relaxed transport of our dear customers and business-partners. But we also work together with many traditional and respected luxury hotels all around Europe. Together with these hotels we provide special packages for business, marriage and holidays.


What you can expect is the whole infrastructure with a wide fleet of limousines, vans and minibuses. Beside that we offer you flexible hours and agreeable working atmosphere. And last but not least, you get in contact with many international and interesting customers.


If you want to become a part of our young and dynamic team, you should be loyal and very trustworthy. It is important for us, that we can rely on you a hundred percent.


Furthermore you should be representative with a sense of style and good manners when meeting our customers. Therefore it is also important that you can speak English and that you are communicative but also discrete.


So if you are motivated to join on our team please send your application with a photo to:


LTS Limousint Transport Service
Postfach 112
8051 Zürich
