Company Profile

Die Migros Zürich mit Hauptsitz in Zürich West ist mit rund 9'000 Mitarbeitenden eine der grössten von insgesamt zehn regionalen Genossenschaften der Migros-Gruppe - der grössten privaten Arbeitgeberin der Schweiz. Sie ist erfolgreich und innovativ in den Bereichen Supermarkt, Fachmarkt und Gastrono...




Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (14)

5 stars4
4 stars3
3 stars0
2 stars4
1 star3

Translated from German

21 October 2018

Current employee


Who complains first to the boss about someone, automatically gets right. The employee about whom a complaint is made does not learn anything about it, has no chance to justify himself. This can be used for good mobbing. Long-time employees are more of a burden than an asset. It is said that these em...

Translated from German

09 April 2018

bad working climate

Translated from German

13 February 2019


A good atmosfete

This works well in the company

I believe this is the best company of all and a good thing.

This could be improved

This is a good way as it is best coalition and time.


Migros Zürich

Pfingstweidstrasse 101
8021 Zürich


Friendly Work Space

Friendly Work Space