Company Profile

Seit 1980 sind wir ein Teil der Würth Gruppe und leben deren Philosophie: Zukunftsweisende Produktstrategien, Kundennähe, Qualität, visionäres Denken sowie eine starke Unternehmenskultur zu vereinen. Dazu gehören vor allem gegenseitiges Vertrauen, Ehrlichkeit und Geradlinigkeit – intern wie nach aus...

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Translated from German

29 September 2020


Too much fluctuation, no appreciation

This works well in the company

Probably not very much, since someone is always wanted??

This could be improved

"We'll be in touch with you shortly as Mr. and Mrs. XY is out of the house." After that, no more messages. Advertisement no longer online. Shows in my eyes the appreciation towards his fellow men. But sometimes you forget that the world is very small. Contact person often not available for days. Pro...

Translated from German

04 August 2021

Current employee

Tradition paired with innovation and enthusiasm

This works well in the company

Kisling is a company that is constantly evolving and it's great to be part of that process. It encourages employees who are proactive and dedicated to their tasks. The degree of autonomy is high and therefore also the degree of freedom in shaping the work.

This could be improved

There is room for improvement in every company and Kisling is continuously working on it.


Kisling AG

Motorenstrasse 102
8620 Wetzikon