Company Profile

Hilti beliefert die Bauindustrie weltweit mit technologisch führenden Produkten, Systemen und Dienstleistungen im Bereich Befestigungs- und Abbautechnik. Im Direktvertrieb bieten wir Profis am Bau innovative Lösungen mit überlegenem Mehrwert.

Die Hilti-Gruppe hat ihren Hauptsitz in Schaan im...




Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (11)

5 stars4
4 stars0
3 stars0
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1 star7

Translated from German

15 August 2018


2 weeks for feedback

The HR Recruiting Partner takes 2 weeks and tells Hilti that it is usual for Hilti to have such a long recruitment process. 1 phone interview, 1 live interview, 2 live interview, 1 trial day and then you get the decision. Even before that, one notices that the company only praises itself. They think...

Translated from German

05 September 2018

HR responsible

Dear applicant Thanks for your honest feedback. We make every effort to provide our applicants with feedback within a few days and to point out in case of resource bottlenecks (e.g. holiday period, above-average number of applicants) that the application process will take a little longer. And yes,...

Translated from German

24 August 2018


arrogant, arrogant, lame and inefficient

The application was characterized by "We are the best in Switzerland, both in the construction industry and as an employer" "and what are you? Arrogant and arrogant mood. Infinite self-praise. Before beginning of sentence, uh, uh, uh, uh, without end. Not prepared, rude and nonsensical questions. La...

Translated from German

05 September 2018

HR responsible

Dear applicant It's not nice to read that our application process disappointed you. It is never our intention to give applicants the impression that we consider ourselves to be something better. In our interviews, we use structured questions and a personality questionnaire to find out whether the a...

Translated from German

27 February 2019


Write many jobs out and always send cancellations

This works well in the company

Always cancel systematically with standard texts and job descriptions remain open and are always renewed or republished. Application process is tedious and extremely long - no intermediate result - no personal contact, anonymous HRs, no contact possibilities (email, phone...)

This could be improved

Post a lot of posts, but if you apply, you get rejections. No beginning, no end, intransparent recruiting process. Replace HR department with professionals


Hilti (Schweiz) AG

Soodstrasse 61
8134 Adliswil ZH


Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work