Company Profile

Wir sind eine Schweizer Consulting Boutique. Uns gibt es schon über seit 20 Jahren, aber wir leben immer noch eine Start-up Mentalität – 140 Leute. Flat Hierarchy. No Politics. Lots of Fun! Bei uns gilt: People define who we are! Mitarbeitende sind unser Rückgrat und jeder kann sich bei uns einbring...

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Others (14)

5 stars5
4 stars1
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2 stars4
1 star4

23 December 2019

Former employee

Undurchsichtige Leistungbewertungen, viel Rhetorik

This works well in the company

Rhetorisch sind viele sehr gewandt, allen voran die GL-Mitglieder, und das ist im Consulting gegenüber den Kunden sicher nicht von nachteil.

This could be improved

Völlig undurchsichtig war die Leistungsbewertung des Einzelnen im Rahmen von Kundenprojekten. Auch das Verhalten bei Mitarbeiteraustritten lässt stark zu wünschen übrig

Translated from German

29 August 2018

Current employee

Good colleagues but weak leadership

The relationship between the colleagues is very good. But this is also the only really positive thing I noticed after a while. Otherwise, below-average experience.

Translated from German

02 January 2019

Former employee

Questionable practices of leadership

This works well in the company

The team. People you like to keep in touch with even after ipt.

This could be improved

a) management style and practices, b) transparency, c) adherence to contractual agreements: at all times, and not only when the sun is shining vainly, d) dealing with employees leaving the company

Translated from German

22 January 2019

HR responsible

Hello We value critical feedback as much as positive feedback. We are always interested in getting better. We cultivate a personal and direct relationship with our employees. It seems as if not everything went as you and we would have wished it to when you left. Please contact me so that we can dis...


who is ipt


ipt Innovation Process Technology AG

Poststrasse 14
6300 Zug