Company Profile

Tackle Business Consultants is your contact for successful consulting and placement services. We advise our cross-sector clients on how to tackle different challenges and solve them successfully. The innovative Tackle consulting process enables us to advise each client in a structured and goal-orien...

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Translated from German

30 December 2022

Current employee

Professional and competent!

This works well in the company

The high level of professionalism makes you feel very comfortable as an employee, customer, partner as well as a candidate. Very appealing services!

This could be improved

Working methods are strongly tied to processes. The increased workload should not displace the personal.

Translated from German

03 January 2023

Current employee

Strong team!

This works well in the company

The communication in the team is always at eye level. We discuss tasks at regular intervals and are therefore always informed. I didn't know this kind of cohesion before.

This could be improved

Tackle requires a great deal of independence. This can lead him to certain moments to difficult decisions that you make yourself. However, mistakes are perceived as a development mechanism.


Tackle Business Consultants GmbH

6430 Schwyz