Company Profile

The Otto Fischer company was founded in 1899 and currently employs around 300 people in Zurich. The independent electrical appliance wholesale company is run as a family business and supports the electrical installation industry daily throughout Switzerland. Otto Fischer launched the "eco2friendly...




Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (5)

5 stars3
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Translated from German

20 April 2018

Current employee


Very social employer. Many freedoms and good pay. Good working atmosphere and pleasant work.

Translated from German

05 December 2018

Current employee

Good working atmosphere with certain freedoms

Positive as an employee is not counted as a cost factor for the management and the employees are very friendly. Negative, on the other hand, is a very high level of process orientation, which sometimes has a damaging effect on business. Opportunities for advancement or support for further training a...

Translated from French

13 January 2020

Current employee

Good working climate

This works well in the company

Warehouse and storage. Team spirit and motivation, plus employee awareness.

This could be improved

Managing the merchandise and putting it in order to have a good result


Otto Fischer AG

Aargauerstrasse 2
8048 Zürich


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer