Company Profile

Das SAH Zürich ist eine eigenständige und gemeinnützige Non-Profit-Organisation. Unser Angebot umfasst Bildungs- und Beschäftigungsprogramme, Sozial- und Rechtsberatungen sowie die Vermittlung von Arbeitseinsätzen und Arbeitsstellen für Menschen in Zürich und angrenzenden Kantonen. Die meisten Angeb...



1.0 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (2)

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Translated from German

09 July 2022

Former employee

Dusty and unqualified management staff

This works well in the company

Collegial cooperation within the team. Mutual support in the team.

This could be improved

Recruit competent managers. Define and apply measures for employee retention.

Translated from German

07 February 2018

Very unpleasant interrogation. From the offer of permanent employment with excellent social benefits, to employment on call cancer back. The reason for the refusal was a different idea of my specific expertise. However, these were described in detail in 3 certificates.


SAH Zürich

Wilhelmstrasse 10
8005 Zürich