Company Profile
Die Stettbacher Signal Processing AG ist eine in den 1990er Jahren gegründete Schweizer Firma, die auf Signal- und Informationsverarbeitungstechnologie spezialisiert ist. Die Anwendungsbereiche sind vielseitig und kommen in unterschiedlichen Sparten wie Medizin, Sicherheit und Industrie zur Geltung....
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5 stars3
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26 January 2024
Current employee
A cool place to work
This works well in the company
A very professional company. Provides top development services to their customers. High business ethics.
This could be improved
Great new office. Relaxed atmosphere. Powerful crew. Go on like this ... (Company does not pay the highest salaries, but fine considering the rest.)
Translated from German
25 September 2018
Current employee
Cooles High-Tec-Team
Diverse projects and exciting themes, hardware and software, interesting applications. High-Tec Pure!
Translated from German
21 February 2018
Super team, good specialists
Powerful company, flat hierarchy, top professionals, super performance, I am very satisfied.