Company Profile

IT ist unser Geschäft. Seit 1998 sorgen wir für massgeschneiderte und leistungsstarke IT-Infrastrukturen für Hotels, Tourismusorganisationen und KMU in der ganzen Schweiz. Wir sind ein führender Anbieter im Bereich Systembereitstellung und -betreuung auf der Basis von Microsoft- und HP-Produkten.

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5.0 ★

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Others (1)

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Translated from German

12 March 2024

Current employee

Great team spirit & working atmosphere and employee appreciation

This works well in the company

Very pleasant corporate culture (flat hierarchies, open communication) You can feel that the employees are an important part of the company. Flexible working, many team events are organized and a big advantage are the above-mandatory benefits in terms of pension fund, daily sickness benefits and acc...

This could be improved

Parking spaces are somewhat limited for the number of employees.


Client Systems AG

Belpbergstrasse 29
3110 Münsingen