Company Profile

Gübelin is a Swiss family business, founded in 1854 as a small watchmaker's shop and today known for its exquisite jewellery, gemstone expertise and its wide range of luxury watch brands. Gübelin's expertise is based on the company's over 160-year history and the high appreciation that the Gübelin f...

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Others (13)

5 stars5
4 stars1
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star6

13 March 2018

Current employee

Good leadership is lacking

it's difficult for an employee at gübelin, sooner or later u will come in to contact with the mediocre to bad management. The general sprit is good the staff are very motivated and committed !

Translated from German

25 March 2018

Former employee

Unfortunately a disappointment...

As with many luxury shops, the discrepancy between words and deeds is very large. Leaders with character are missing, a lot of talk and yet nothing is done right. Certainly a very good employer for employees who don't want to think big, who can do it easily, and who can take their wages home at the...

19 July 2018

Former employee

HHR needs more training

HHR does minimize the problems. I have to agree with the honest but constructive comments below. I would not be surprised if the 5 star rating came from the HHR herself.



Maihofstrasse 102
6006 Luzern