Company Profile

Weleda is the world’s leading producer of holistic natural cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in the field of anthroposophic medicine. The Swiss company has its headquarters in Arlesheim near Basel (Switzerland) and has a branch office in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany). In addition, Weleda consists of 24 maj...




Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (17)

5 stars6
4 stars2
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star8

Translated from German

21 July 2018

Current employee

Enormous stress, poor social benefits

A lot is demanded of the employee, overtime is the rule. Jobs are vacant for a long time and must be borne internally. The pension leave system is obsolete. Younger employees get nothing.

Translated from German

16 January 2018

Unfortunately, the social values communicated to the outside world are not lived within the company. Weleda still lacks future-oriented, committed managers. A company that stands in its own way.

Translated from German

03 December 2017

Unfortunately, "value orientation" is an empty word here. The values that one associates with the brand are hardly lived, if at all, depending on the manager. Weleda also assumes no responsibility to change this. Too bad - potential (especially committed employees) would (still) be there.


Firmenvideo DE


Weleda AG

Dychweg 14
4144 Arlesheim


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer