Company Profile

Als grösstes Zentrum für Pädiatrie und Kinderchirurgie in der Schweiz erbringt das Kinderspital Zürich mit seinen rund 2‘500 Mitarbeitenden anspruchsvolle Dienstleistungen in der stationären Akutmedizin, im Notfall, in der Rehabilitation sowie im ambulanten Bereich. Das Kinderspital Zürich ist einzi...




Employees (0)

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Others (7)

5 stars2
4 stars1
3 stars0
2 stars2
1 star2

Translated from German

14 November 2018

Former employee

Racist employer

I was obviously harassed by my superior in the children's hospital ZH, as well as being very racist. Communicated this matter to HR with the hope that something would happen. Various evidence as well as witnesses have spoken for me. Zero support and understanding. Nobody would have expected such an...

Translated from German

09 December 2018

Former employee

Unqualified leadership

This works well in the company

Interesting field of work. Sometimes very good interdisciplinary cooperation that lives on the people behind it. People who are committed and live their work.

This could be improved

Unqualified, directive and dishonest conduct is left even by line managers and HR space. Suspicion of mobbing is - despite written guidelines - not further pursued. Too bad about the otherwise interesting field of work in the children's hospital.

Translated from German

03 December 2018

Former employee

Strict and medium working climate

The team was ok, but the leadership was/is not a leader. This was often felt. Due to the chronic shortage of staff, the remaining nurses were unfortunately asked to step in again and again, and often one encountered a lack of understanding when saying no. The work in a highly specialized hospital is...




Kinderspital Zürich

Steinwiesstrasse 75
8032 Zürich


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer