Popular professions in Zug


302 salary entries

CHF 70 200

Executive Assistant

218 salary entries

CHF 84 500

Commercial Manager

206 salary entries

CHF 64 700

Accounting Clerk

198 salary entries

CHF 90 675

Account Manager

197 salary entries

CHF 80 000

Project Leader

189 salary entries

CHF 103 740


176 salary entries

CHF 187 000

Product Manager

175 salary entries

CHF 100 000

Software Engineer

142 salary entries

CHF 101 300


126 salary entries

CHF 65 200

More salaries nearby



116 121 salaries



35 631 salaries



21 505 salaries



6 543 salaries

What is the average wage in Canton Zug?

The canton of Zug is one of the most popular regions in Switzerland for finding a job, because the median wage in Zug is CHF 85 000 and is therefore higher than in all other regions of Switzerland. This value is the median of 11 544 wage entries on the free salary check of jobs.ch. In and around the main town of Zug, there are countless large companies and international corporations, but there are also many jobs in Cham, Baar, Risch and around Lake Aegeri.

In which sectors does one earn best in Canton Zug?

The following sectors in Canton Zug pay the best wages: Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals, followed by Utilities and Banking / Financial institutions. Although the cost of living is high here, especially for housing, a big advantage in Canton Zug is that taxes are particularly low here. Working and living in Canton Zug can therefore be financially attractive. Major Swiss cities such as Zurich and Zug are less than half an hour away and Lake Zug and Lake Aegeri and the mountains are particularly popular for leisure activities.