Popular professions in St. Gallen


747 salary entries

CHF 65 190

Commercial Manager

545 salary entries

CHF 61 500

Project Leader

516 salary entries

CHF 92 000


486 salary entries

CHF 60 234


370 salary entries

CHF 66 000


368 salary entries

CHF 81 155

Account Manager

339 salary entries

CHF 60 000

Team Leader

338 salary entries

CHF 85 850

Retail Salesperson

310 salary entries

CHF 52 004

Truck Driver

273 salary entries

CHF 65 000

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What is the average wage in the canton of St. Gallen?

The canton of St. Gallen is the most important economic region in eastern Switzerland and there are countless job vacancies there. The median wage in the Canton of St.Gallen is 73 138. There are particularly many jobs in the capital St. Gallen, but also around Rorschach on Lake Constance or in the towns of Wil, Uzwil, Altstätten and Buchs.

Which industries pay the best wages in the canton of St. Gallen?

If you are interested in a job in the Canton of St. Gallen, you should keep a special eye on some industries for a very good salary. You get the highest median salary in the Education sector, second best is the Banking / Financial institutions sector and the third place goes to the Public administration / Associations industry. The cost of living is lower compared to other large cities in Switzerland, especially the rents are less high. The canton of St. Gallen has a particularly high number of cross-border commuters who work here but live in neighbouring Austria or Germany because of the lower cost of living. The calculated wages are based on %{count} wage data from the salary check by jobs.ch for the canton of St. Gallen.