Popular professions in Fribourg

Commercial Manager

511 salary entries

CHF 62 381

Administrative Assistant

372 salary entries

CHF 66 950

Account Manager

273 salary entries

CHF 54 600


250 salary entries

CHF 61 100

Accounting Clerk

219 salary entries

CHF 82 857

Team Leader

159 salary entries

CHF 85 000


157 salary entries

CHF 130 000


140 salary entries

CHF 65 000

Truck Driver

133 salary entries

CHF 65 000


125 salary entries

CHF 66 000

More salaries nearby



51 971 salaries



46 476 salaries



9 515 salaries

What is the average wage in the Canton of Fribourg?

The Canton of Fribourg is interesting for the job market. The median wage there is CHF 72 007. This puts the wages in the middle of the range compared to the rest of Switzerland, but they are considerably higher than in the neighbouring countries. This value was calculated using all 12 878 entries on the jobs.ch salary check for Fribourg. There are particularly many jobs in the capital Fribourg/Freiburg, but also cities like Bulle, Estavayer or Murten have many companies that regularly advertise jobs.

What are the sectors in the Canton of Fribourg that pay the best salaries?

As in the rest of Switzerland, wages in the canton of Fribourg vary considerably in the various sectors. The data of the salary check show us that in the canton of Fribourg the Medical Technology sector pays the highest wages. The second highest wages are paid in the Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals sector, followed by the Information technology / Telecom. sector. About two thirds of the inhabitants of the canton are French speaking, one third have German as their mother tongue. Therefore, both German and French are important languages for a job in the Canton of Fribourg.